Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Though we may be smashing the pumpkins of religious absolutism and raging against the machine of the establishment, our volatile notions cannot free us from the reality of God’s governance.

Chaos Theory:
No matter how distant in time or space one constant remains – chaos

A theory is a calculated postulation based upon consistent cause and effect scenarios. For example, the theory of gravitation is based upon the phenomenon of attraction between objects. Since the theory can be proven and appears necessary for the universe to function as it does, the theory of gravitation is also called the law of gravity. We gravitate toward that which compels us.

Chaos is disruption of order. Think of a clock and all of its cogs and gears. If one was to toss a wrench into its workings, then chaos would ensue. Chaos goes against intended function, against expected cause and effect, and against purpose, plan, meaning, or order.

So, a theory of chaos in effect, would be the calculated postulation of consistent chaos. But, if chaos is consistent, then it is no longer unpredictable and thus, no longer chaotic. Such a theory, at least semantically, fails to convey anything meaningful.

The most famous illustration of chaos theory in practical terms is the butterfly effect. It is said that if a butterfly in Peking China flaps its wings rain will fall in New York City. The seemingly inconsequential movement of the butterfly affects the extremely complex atmospheric conditions. Because so many variables exist within the world that can affect the weather, like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings, weather is said to be unpredictable or chaotic. Diverse and inestimable competing conditions at the smallest level turn the forecast on a dime within a twinkling of the eye. We simply are not able to calculate all those competing variables because we do not and cannot know all the incredibly numerous contingences involved in a given moment. We are, as everyone knows, not omniscient. Theoretically, if we knew all, then we would be able to predict the outcome of the weather down to the last rain drop. This means that chaos theory is an explanation of our finitude. It is a self-imploding oxymoronic phrase expressing the limits of our autonomy. What appears at times as chaos to us, like fluctuating weather patterns, is simply the orchestration of God’s providential governance.

Though chaos is a disruption of order, it necessarily follows a pattern. Chaos is the name given to that which brings anarchy into an established system. It, however, has an established nature and set course. Otherwise, chaos would be completely indefinable and incoherent. So, to their credit, Chaos Theorists speak of chaotic determinism. Everything under the sun has a cause and an effect and therefore, even weather instability, which we cannot completely know all the given initiators or influencing factors, only appears like a random unpredictable occurrence to us who, though aware of our limitations, expect to be able to know everything.
The name we give to the outworking of reality is synchronicity. Perhaps the Police can explain it better,

With one breath, with one flow
You will know

A sleep trance, a dream dance
A shaped romance

A connecting principle
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible
Causally connectable
Yet nothing is invincible

If we share this nightmare
Then we can dream
Spiritus mundi (literally – spirit of the world)

If you act as you think
The missing link

We know you, they know me

A star fall, a phone call
It joins all

It's so deep, it's so wide
You're inside

Effect without cause
Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause

Why is the ineffable couched in metaphysical terms (Spiritus Mundi) if we can only know the secular world? Also, it is freely admitted that in the deep recesses of reality something exists without a first cause, a binding force unknown to us who are prone only to accept the sense oriented observable realm. Something drives the courses of the stars above and the specs of dust below. Is it blind random chaotic and yet synchronistic chance or God ordained providence? Is it the spirit of the world or the Holy Spirit? Well, according to chaos theory, chance is an illusion due to the limits of our perception. After all, if chance ruled the day we would not know anything at all because observable order would be completely unobservable. The only option is accepting our finitude and relying upon the knowledge given to us by our Creator, who holds all things together.

His invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made